I'm the Pastor at Trinity FWB Church in Clayton, NC. One of our members told me about the singing of his nephews, Tim and Terry Byrd. We invited them to come sing for us. We were all absolutely moved by their God-given talent of song. My sister told me afterward, "A lot of people can sing, but there are very few who can move me emotionally." That sums up Tim and Terry Byrd. I look forward to them coming back in the near future. Reverend Buford Longwith
Reverend Buford Longwith
Trinity FWB Church, Clayton NC

About Us
We have been singing since we were old enough to talk! Trust me our mother used to get notes home from teachers telling us to stop singing in class because that is all we wanted to do! (Well Terry anyway lol) We were on that stage in church singing "He's still working on me" probably before we could really form sentences
We knew from a very young age what God had called us to do but through courses of life those roads separated for a while BUT God knew what he was doing and 23 years in the making he brought us back together and planted a vision in our hearts and fire in our souls to reach the world! He created us for such a time as this! We are ready to worship in spirit and in truth as scripture calls us to so we can see the world around us shaken for God's glory!
We would love to come worship with you at your church or event! Contact us to try and set up a date and be sure to check the events page for latest upcoming events! We look forward to seeing you all in a hometown near you!
God Bless you all and pray we see you soon so we can worship our Lord together through word and song!
Keep singing, praising, seeking and soaring,